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A Public Benefit Organization

As a Public Benefit Organization (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling or ANBI), Microcredit for Mothers has published the following particulars on its internet site:

  • The institution’s name
  • The RSIN (Legal Entities & Partnerships Identification Number)/Tax number
  • The contact details
  • The ANBI’s object
  • The policy plan
  • The position of the directors
  • The names of the directors
  • The payment policy - refer to the GBA or salary scheme for personnel where applicable
  • A report of the activities that have already been carried out
  • A financial statement
Gifts are tax deductible

Company gifts to a Public Benefit Organization such as Microcredit for Mothers are often tax deductible. The Dutch Tax Authority website includes the conditions for and extensive information on making donations that are fiscally advantageous.

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